4 Collections To Read If You Loved The Hurting Kind

3 minute read

If you liked The Hurting Kind, here are four collections you’ll love!

The Hurting Kind left us speechless and refreshed. Each time we think Ada Limón can’t possibly get any more amazing, she does!”

We’ve journeyed through grieving losses, sacrificing relationships and honoring the pain that comes with making the right decisions. Limón leads her readers through the wilderness with a gentle hand. The Hurting Kind is not for the faint of heart. It is a role that requires bravery, courage and unwavering truth.

Next books to put on your reading list:

Photo: Victoria Chang via Twitter

1- The Trees Witness Everything by Victoria Chang

First book to add to your collection if Limón’s imagery of changing seasons resonated with you is this one! Author Victoria Chang primarily writes using a Japanese syllabic form, waka, that illustrates change and structure can co-exist. Dreamy visuals of starry skies and swaying trees are painted throughout each line. Chang lovingly explains that change is sure to happen within us just as often as it occurs within nature. For the sweetest of dreams and solace, The Trees Witness Everything is here to support you!

Photo: Bookshop

2-Now Do You Know Where You Are by Dana Levin

Next to add is a book from poetess, Dana Levin. Furthermore, the fifth book, Now Do You Know Where You Are, is our favorite! it dives into the power that comes with change. Shifting with absolute honesty allows us to find radical freedom on the other side of struggle. Levin uses metaphysical and spiritual realms to address themes of heritage, identity and liberation. Each line is carefully constructed to tap into the strength within, just as The Hurting Kind provided!

Photo: Warsan Shire via Instagram

3-Bless the Daughter Raised by a Voice in Her Head: Poems by Warsan Shire

Not a second is wasted in this debut collection! Warsan Shire dives into sensitive subjects with vigor and relentless honesty from the very beginning. We meet Shire as a young woman left to nurture herself and walk through the pages beside her, growing just as she does. And by sprinkling pop culture references throughout glances into the lives of refugees, Shire’s words cleverly bridge cultural gaps.

It’s no wonder why this poet was a collaborator on Beyoncé’s Lemonade and Black is King.

The talent is obvious. The skill is artful. The messages are passionately poignant and impossible to forget– just as poetry should be!

4-Woman Without Shame: Poems by Sandra Cisneros

Photo: Bookshop

Finally, we wrap up with this bold book. Sandra Cisneros embarks on a journey of evolution through her newest collection, Woman Without Shame. Cisneros shatters glass ceilings by choosing to define womanhood for herself. Each page of this book is a battlecry calling all women to choose freedom and self-expression. With clever, vivid and often humorous poetry, Woman Without Shame will leave you with enough encouragement to carry you along the road toward self-acceptance!
