The first time I experienced Rupi Kaur’s magic is vividly etched into my mind. During a very long day of wallowing in my feelings on my couch, I reached for the copy of milk and honey my roommate abandoned on our coffee table. (Finders, keepers…right?) Seconds later I was immersed into a world of loving encouragement. Line after line, all I needed to hear found its way to me. That is the genius of Rupi Kaur.
Whether discovered through Instagram, a friend’s recommendation, or a hidden gem lying on your very own coffee table, Kaur’s words have a way of providing all you didn’t know you needed. If you’re searching for a little boost today, here are 16 of our favorite poems from home body, milk and honey and the sun and her flowers! We hope these find you in perfect timing to help ease you through your journey!
From milk and honey by Rupi Kaur:
From the sun and her flowers by Rupi Kaur:
Photo credit: Rupi Kaur via Instagram
From home body by Rupi Kaur:
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