4 Knockout Slam Poetry Performances to Watch

2 minute read

slam poetry mic

For centuries, poetry has served as a way to communicate the most deeply personal emotions, thoughts, and perspectives with ease.

And then there’s slam poetry

Performance poetry passionately delivered by its creator holds the power to bring crowds to their feet and critics to their knees. Every word from these slam poets sent chills down my spine while reminding me of what a force spoken word poetry can be. So if you’re in need of inspiration, motivation or just want to see a few performance poetry examples, check out a few of the best slam poetry performances below.

“MAMA” by Emi Mahmoud

*brief explicit language*

“Dear Straight People” by Denice Frohman

*brief explicit language*

“The Period Poem” by Dominique Christina

*brief language, TW: SA*

“Touchscreen” by Marshall Soulful Jones

Caught the slam poetry bug? Check out these pieces from other li writers for more on the history of slam poetry and amazing performances from famous slam poets:

What is Slam Poetry?

 Slam Poet Joelle Taylor Wins TS Eliot Poetry Prize

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