Interview with Michael Herkes—The Glam Witch Interview

14 minute read

Michael Herkes: The Glam Witch Interview

They are a genderqueer author, astrologer, crystal enthusiast, intuitive stylist, tarot reader, and glamour witch from Chicago, IL. His journey into witchcraft began in the year 2000, deeply influenced by the glamorous portrayal of witches in Hollywood during the 90s. Shows like Buffy and Charmed, along with moves like The Craft and Practical Magic, fascinated him and drew him toward this mystical world. As they came of age, they found witchcraft to be more than just an interest – it became an alternative spiritual parth of self-discovery that made them feel powerful and strong in their own life. Let’s unlock some secrets to the magic within this Glam Witch interview!

Magic is about bring aware of the infinite possibilities that life has to offer.

In 2017, Michael began writing for Witch Way Magazine and officially branded himself as The Glam Witch. This platform allowed them to share their passion for glamour and magic with a broader audience, eventually leading them to write eight books on various aspects of witchcraft and New Age spirituality.

They are thrilled to announce their latest release with Llewellyn Worldwide in our exclusive The Glam Witch interview.

Glamstrology: Discover Your Signature Style with Astrology


Inspiration and Creativity and a Little Bit of Magic

li: Who/what/when gave you inspiration the most?

MH: The person who has inspired me the most in my journey is fellow author and witch Fiona Horne. I came to love her books on witchcraft in my teen years. They were well thought out, personable, accessible, and fun to read.

Spells are very much like prayers that incorporate various other elements or ingredients that energetically align with your intentions to form desired manifestations.

Over the years, we’ve become dear friends, and her influence on my work has been profound. At the same time I began reading her work in high school, I fell in love with the show Sex and the City. The fashion, the friendships, the comedy, and the drama—it all captivated me. I wanted to live that life, being a fashionista, columnist, and author in a major city, but with a witchy twist.

While I was dreaming of this Sex and the City lifestyle, Fiona was in Hollywood, embodying the role of a celebrity witch. She was attending red carpet events, being interviewed on witchcraft, and teaching magic to the public. Somehow, the fusion of these two worlds—the glamorous witch and the chic city life—became the perfect spell for me. As it turns out, living my life has been the best spell I’ve cast because here I am now, living my little “Hex and the Windy City” life, where I get to blend the best of both inspirations into my daily existence.

li: If you could share “the tea” on the most unique part of your creative process, what would it be?

MH: While I’m naturally a creative and enthusiastic person, the creative process itself can be a bit bittersweet. Bursts of creativity often come in short, intense waves, so I’ve learned that having an outline and a deadline are two crucial components to success. What’s funny is that in school, I hated outlines with a passion and thought they were a complete waste of time. But now, as an author, they’ve become essential. Outlines help me compartmentalize the book, making the writing process more of a “fill in the blanks” exercise, which is incredibly helpful for someone with an overactive mind or a lot of other priorities on their plate.

From a witchcraft perspective, there’s a simple candle ritual that I incorporate into my creative process. I often write with a white seven-day candle nearby. I dress it with fragrance oils to stimulate my creativity, depending on the need at hand. If I need an extra burst of energy, I’ll add some ginger oil. For a zest of vitality, I’ll go with lemon. And if I’m aiming for a more uplifting, empowered, and sensual tone in my writing, I’ll use rose or vanilla. White is a color that reflects energy, so by adding the oil with my intention, it helps create an atmosphere that supports my creative flow.

li: What is your astrology sign and how do you interpret that?

MH: I’m an Aries, and we really are fire starters— known for our bold, direct energy, which I like to compare to a match striking in Glamstrology. We’re the ones who get the party started and set things in motion.

Being an Aries means embracing that fiery spirit and using it to ignite not just our own lives but the world around us. Aries are often seen as leaders, full of passion and enthusiasm…which I am definitely far from lacking! We’re adventurous, always ready to take on a new challenge, and we thrive on competition. Our directness can sometimes come off as a bit intense, but it’s just part of our nature to be straightforward and go after what we want without hesitation. We’re independent, confident, and always up for a new adventure.

These essential Aries qualities have deeply influenced my personal style and creative prowess in the world. Being an Aries has helped me forge my path as The Glam Witch, embracing a genderqueer identity with a non-binary sense of style. I boldly ignore style stereotypes and gender norms, choosing instead to creatively present myself through my personal expression. Whether it’s through fashion, writing, or witchcraft, my Aries energy is always at the forefront. It is pushing me to be unapologetically myself and to inspire others to do the same.

Glamstrology: Discover Your Signature Style with Astrology

Apply Cosmic Insight for a Look That’s Uniquely Yours

Your ultimate guide to glamour magic and personal expression, Glamstrology reveals how astrology influences your style and helps you attract what you most desire. Michael Herkes, aka The Glam Witch, deepens your understanding of celestial forces through size- and gender-inclusive spells, rituals, and advice, enabling you to skillfully employ them and captivate the world.

Featuring fashion sketches by Fashion Institute of Technology and Parsons faculty member Steven Broadway, this full-color book devotes a chapter to each zodiac sign. Discover how the stars affect your preferences, shaping everything from your attire to your shopping habits. Lean into your natural expression using your birth chart or tap into any sign’s different energies to achieve glamour goals.

Herkes offers life-changing advice on expressing yourself with each sign’s energy, including through wardrobe, accessories, cosmetics, hair, colors, minerals, fragrances, and more. With an astrologically cultivated style tailored to your authentic tastes, you will radiate confidence as you sashay toward the life you always wanted.

Includes a foreword by Theresa Reed, aka The Tarot Lady, author of Astrology for Real Life


The Glam Witch Interview: Let’s Get To Know More

li: How do you start your day?

MH: For the past year, I’ve started most days with a two-hour walk along Lake Michigan, and it has become a cherished ritual. I started this as a means to incorporate more daily movement and exercise in my life but it has quickly shaped into a deeply meditative experience.

The rhythmic motion of my steps, coupled with the changing cadence of the waves, creates a soothing symphony that calms me. This act of walking has become a moving meditation, allowing my thoughts to flow freely and my spirit to rejuvenate.

There’s something truly healing about the power of nature. As I walk, I absorb the fresh air and embrace the serenity of the environment. I’ve noticed tangible improvements in my mental clarity, physical health, spiritual well-being, and even my creativity. It’s a sacred time for reflection, inspiration, and grounding, setting a positive tone for the day ahead.

li: What’s the best compliment you’ve ever received?

MH: The best compliment I’ve ever received happened recently, and it’s something I’ll never forget. One morning, I was trying to pick up a package from the front desk of my building. The doorman looked at me and said, “I have to ask a stupid question… and even though I know it’s stupid, I’m going to ask it anyway: How do you identify?”

I explained that I’m a genderqueer man who styles myself in a non-binary manner, not adhering to societies expectations on gendered fashion statements. Some days I’ll be in a dress and heels, other days a suit, and sometimes just sweats. He then told me that he thought the way I present myself is really cool and inspiring. He said that I come down day after day, and no one ever knows what to expect—that I have this androgyny that really captivates people.

But what really touched me was when he shared that he grew up in a rough neighborhood and got really good at playing “the tough guy.” He said that wasn’t always who he really was or how he wanted to present himself. Seeing me do my thing had been incredibly inspiring for him, and he wished he’d had the courage to express himself the way he wanted to, rather than how he was forced to.

His words made me tear up. It was incredibly touching, and I’ll remember it forever. I don’t think any other compliment could come close to that moment.


What are three things you can’t live without?

My friendships, alone time, and creative freedom.

What’s your favorite piece of clothing or jewelry?

Caftans and rhodochrosite jewelry.

What’s something you think is overrated? Underrated? Fairly hyped?

Being in a relationship is highly overrated. Being single is vastly underrated. Celebrating good friendship is fairly hyped.

What’s one trend you’d like to see disappear forever?


What’s your favorite form of self-care?

A solo date night: equipped with buying myself fresh cut flowers, treating myself to decadent dinner, delicious champagne, a candlelit bath, and wild witchy dancing around the house.

Career Magic

li: What gave you the courage to jump into this career?

MH: The courage to jump into this career came down to a simple choice: it was either this or rot away in my own misery. Much of my 20s were spent ignoring my creativity, focusing on building a corporate career, and trying to fit into gay life in a big city. But the truth is, not being able to express myself creatively was really starting to grind away at my mental health. I wasn’t happy and I really needed a change.

In 2017 on the brink of my Saturn Return, I attended a witchcraft festival in New Orleans. There I witnessed so many people contributing to the community. I made some great new friends, and one of them mentioned that my energy and creativity deserved more recognition—they saw me doing something with it soon. That conversation sparked the courage in me to reach out to Witch Way Magazine, who had also been at the event, to see if I could start writing for them. I did, and it was like the floodgates opened.

After writing a handful of articles, I wanted more. I began developing the idea for my first book, which documented my entire witchcraft practice up until that point. In many ways, that first book was truly for me—the teen, baby witch Michael. I owed it to myself to be free and share my magical knowledge with the world.

li: What’s the best piece of advice you’ve ever received? (Besides the push to do this glam witch interview 😉 ) 

MH: The best piece of advice I’ve ever received is simply: “Just do it! Just go for it!” There’s so much power in those words because they remind me to take action, to move forward even when fear or doubt might be holding me back.

Witchcraft is a way of concentrating energy. It’s about tapping into the energy around us and using it to transform our reality.

We often get caught up in overthinking, wondering if we’re ready, if we’ll succeed, or if we’re making the right choice. But the truth is, we’ll never know unless we try. Taking that leap, whether it’s in your craft, your career, or your personal life, is the only way to discover what you’re truly capable of. It’s about trusting yourself and the universe to guide you on the right path.

For me, embracing this advice has led to incredible opportunities and growth. It’s pushed me to explore new facets of magic, to write and share my knowledge with others, and to fully step into my identity as The Glam Witch. Sometimes, the only thing standing between us and our dreams is the courage to take the first step. So, whenever I’m feeling unsure, I remind myself: just do it, just go for it. It’s the only way to make magic happen…the power of DO!

li: What advice do you have for our little infinite audience?

MH: My biggest bit of advice is this: The only opinion that truly matters in your life is your own. You are the architect of your happiness and success, but you are also the only one who can stand in the way of achieving your dreams. That’s why it’s vital to suspend disbelief and cynicism and anchor all of your actions in the power of self-love.

Now, I know the concept of self-love has been watered down in our culture—reduced to surface-level affirmations and at times even narcissistic outlooks on life. But I’ve come to redefine self-love as something deeper, something I call self-power.

Self-power is the recognition of your inherent worth and the unwavering belief in your own potential. It’s about embracing your authentic self with all its complexities, and making decisions that honor who you are at your core. When you cultivate self-power, you no longer seek validation from others because you’re already validated by your own sense of purpose and identity.

This principle isn’t just about feeling good; it’s about living in alignment with your true self. It’s about making choices that reflect your values and desires, even when they go against the grain. It’s about standing tall in your truth, knowing that you have the strength and resilience to overcome any obstacle.

The journey to self-power isn’t always easy—but I think that is the point. The best things in life rarely are. It requires introspection, honesty, and sometimes, the courage to walk alone. But when you master it, you unlock a wellspring of confidence and clarity that will guide you through every challenge and triumph in your life. So, commit to this path. Cultivate your self-power. Watch as it transforms not only your life but the lives of those around you. THAT is the art of living a magical life.

li: Any sneak peeks you want to share in this Glam Witch Interview?

MH: I can share that I am gearing up to do a book tour for the first time in a few years and I am really excited to get out, travel, and connect with people. I recently taught in public at HexFest 2024 and had such a great time interacting with everyone. Aside from this, I also have several events planned with fashion designer Jennafer Grace, a trip to Bali next year, and two new books in the works: one that is dedicated to the magic of Aphrodite, the Greek Goddess of Love and Beauty, and another that digs deep into Lilith in Astrology and how your Lilith signs can be used to heal your shadow self.










If The Glam Witch interview wasn’t enough, follow Michael on Instagram and check out the website for upcoming events. Get excited for Glamstrology! Don’t miss out on an opportunity to win it for free here!

Writer, editor, and proud nerd. Co-host of Wit Beyond Measure, a Jane Austen podcast. A reader of books, binger of Netflix, and knitter of scarves. Her cat is probably yelling at her right now.

