Yrsa Daley-Ward tells the truth about adolescence. The whole truth. And nothing but the truth.
Growing up is hard to do. British poet, Yrsa Daley-Ward tugs on our heartstrings by mirroring our own struggles in that process. Her work evokes this dual sense of empowerment and frustration. There is something so alive about the way she architects her poems, drawing her readers into and through her experience. They capture the realness of learning who you are. She writes for every woman.
She has two published books, a poetry collection called Bone and her memoir, The Terrible. Daley-Ward is noted for igniting conversation on topics of depression, anxiety, sexuality, addiction, and body image. She draws most of her inspiration from her own struggles. Daley-Ward is passionate about breaking the mold of the stereotypical #instapoet, taking the movement to another level of honesty, transparency, and
Her ability to write from the heart with searing honesty is why we love her. Her newest book The Terrible is a coming-of-age memoir that holds nothing back, asks the hard questions, searches through language to find the answers.
Keep up with Daley-Ward on Instagram: (@yrsadaleyward) or on her website: