10 Self-Love Poems to Read Right Now

2 minute read

10 Self-love poems, modern poetry

Self-love poems: you can never have too many.

Self-love seems to be a mountain of a topic. There is a conflicting pull between the healthy self-confidence messages from the media (that we have been waiting so long for), and their incendiary counterparts: unrealistic (and at times fabricated) beauty standards and the unrelenting pressure to be the most confident person in the room.

To me, self-love is a journey that walks right through the middle of that predicament. My journey of self-love has been complicated. It started with learning what the term means to me. That evolved into noticing how powerful the concept would be if I worked it into my daily life. Which grew into wondering why I needed a term, or books, or self-love Instagram accounts, or sticky notes on my mirror to remind me to love myself. Which brings us to the complete antithesis of self-love: feeling guilty because I felt like I was “behind” on this whole self-love thing.

Now, I realize it’s not that calculated and there’s no formula for self-love. It’s about perspective, appreciation, growth, and making it personalized for you.

One of the best pieces of advice I have ever received is, “No discounts.” Don’t accept discounts on anything in your life. Relationships, your salary, dreams, friendships, work life, family, your location, not the slightest thing. Starting from yourself.

In this spirit, we’ve curated ten poems to spark self-love in you.


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