And That’s A Pretty Healthy Coping Habit!

6 minute read

 With disaster and disarray everywhere we turn,

stress is inevitable.


It’s easy to feel lost, disconnected, or drained. So we scroll hunting for a quick dopamine fix. We gossip to deflect the focus away from the messes we’ve created. We might even neglect or abuse our health to give us a false sense of control. Whether it’s a bad day or a tricky season, we must develop healthy ways to cope. Express your pride in others when they share something new they are trying to improve upon with “… And that’s a pretty healthy coping habit!”

Let’s talk about building habits that help.

Healthy coping habits don’t just gloss over the issues at hand. We’re not here on earth to ignore problems that arise. We’re here to feel through them and experience this beautiful human life. Coping mechanisms exist to help us carry on until we’re surrounded by the joy and light we so dearly missed. We all need a helping hand now and then. Let these tools be yours. 

Here are some healing habits (fun ones!) so that you can swap doom-scrolling for soul healing!

1. Creative Journaling

If you’re new to li, you should know we’re strong advocates for the power of the pen! Writing is one of the fastest ways to transform your life and free your mind. Whether venting, processing, manifesting or simply logging the day’s activities, journaling is powerful. Let this practice be fun for you! Doodle around the words. Write silly poetry. Nothing within these pages has to see the light of day…unless you want it to!


2. Get Cozy

I’m talking “bubble bath, candlelight, and fave poetry” kind of cozy! Creating luxurious little moments is not only fun, it’s a reminder of how worthy we are of decadence and ease. Make yourself a nice charcuterie board (Lunchables count, we listen and we don’t judge here!) before you binge-watch that new series. Or maybe just slap on a face mask. Finding a new way to care for yourself is vital in your healing journey.

Check out our favorite self-care books to curl up on the couch with!

3. Make a Mess

Truthfully, this is my favorite way to clear my mind and jump into the present moment. But there’s also something about it that makes it the hardest for me too. No, we’re not suggesting you start a food fight (although that could help!). Just get creative! In any way possible. Pretend to know feng shui and rearrange the whole house. Paint with no goal in mind other than covering the canvas. Doodle. Build with your kid’s LEGOs. Play with molding clay. The key here is to simply make something that wasn’t there before. Free yourself from the pressure of completion and judgment. Just create!


4. Get Out of Your Comfort Zone

Go on an adventure! It can be as easy as finding a small park a few hours away to have lunch or as big as leaving the country. Anything works as long as it’s new and sparks joy. Sometimes a change of scenery is all we need.

5. Move Your Body

Science has proven movement to be one of the fastest and most effective ways to reduce stress. Today, we’re not talking about hitting the gym. We’re diving into free flowing movements that build presence rather than muscular gains. Take a nature walk and see how many petals are on the most beautiful flower you find. Crank up your favorite song and dance around the living room. Even a stretch sesh can cultivate more ease by giving your muscles some much needed oxygen and TLC.

In the words of Elle Woods, “Endorphins make people happy”!


  • Yoga With Adriene (on YouTube): New to yoga? Free yoga with Adriene and Benji (her super cute dog) is a perfect resource for yogis of all levels to check out!
  • Shuffle Roulette: Push the chairs out of the way, hit shuffle on your favorite playlist and dance your heart out to whatever comes on next! Feel the music and let it pull you out of your mind and into your body.

4. Deeeeeeep Breaths

There is no faster way to cultivate presence and awareness than breathing deeply. Your breath fuels your life. It’s why we sigh, gasp, and pause to breathe before beginning. Intentional breathing practices are wonderful ways to release emotion and bring cleansing energy back into your body.


  • Box Breathing: Inhale for 4 counts, hold for 4, exhale for 4, hold for 4.
  • Sighs of relief: Inhale deeply through your nose and let out the deepest sigh ever. Think of releasing whatever stress and sticky energy from your body with every exhale and inviting in ease and joy with every inhale.

5. Little Wins Jar

Take a night to jot down some of your favorite wins on small pieces of paper and put them into your Little Wins Jar. Continue adding to the jar each time you find a moment worth adding! The beauty of little wins is that they build up to show us the person we truly are. When the tough days come, as we all know they do, reach into the jar to re-ignite your spark!

Bonus Points: Find 3 small wins from each week and add it to the jar! Reminding ourselves of our successes reminds us of our power and capability!

Extra Bonus Points: Decorate your Little Wins Jar!

Finding healthy coping habits doesn’t have to be hard. In fact, the easier the habit, the more likely we are to remember it and actually use it when challenges arise. Don’t be afraid to take a moment to ask yourself what you need. What gift can I give myself in this moment? 

Choosing to prioritize your own wellbeing? Well, I’d say that’s a pretty healthy coping habit

6. Digital Detox 

Social media can be entertaining, educational, and inspirational. However, it can also be manipulating, distracting, and judgmental. View 6 Reason To Do A Digital Detox for more help limiting your screen time.
