Writing Poetry

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LI Astrology: Post-Summer Writing Prompts for Your Sign

5 minute read

Fall is calling! Astrology: Post-Summer Writing Prompts are waiting for you! As the summer nights begin to cool and the days get a little shorter, we begin to say goodbye to the summer of 2024. The astrology of this summer already says what we all know– this summer has been busy! Yet most of us have had quiet internal transformations in spite of the chaotic world around. When Uranus and Jupiter joined forces in Taurus season, we began feeling the pull to evolve. Even if we faced some challenges, Jupiter also entered Gemini on May 11th leading us all to get curious and enjoy new discoveries on our journeys! If you’ve been feeling like you keep getting curveballs you’re right on track! We’ve already had two of our four eclipses and two of our three Mercury Retrogrades. Eclipses are designed to shake up all we know and reveal raw truths. Meanwhile Mercury in retrograde forces us to slow down before launching us forward. The chaotic nature of this year’s astrology has been evident throughout society as well making it even more important to attend to the universe within. As we head into the last 3 months of the year, there’s
