Coffee Table Books for the Poetry Lover

2 minute read

coffee table books for poetry lovers

If you love poetry, you probably understand the connection between books and their owner, or vice versa. Rather than stacking them anywhere you can fit, take pride in displaying some of your most fascinating and beautiful books.

These books will be sure to start a convo, aid your entertainment skills, and make your home more you at the same time. Stack, decorate, mix and match, and have fun while displaying the books that you love so much in your home. Pro tip: try switching out the books with each season to freshen up your interior decor. See the end of the article for coffee table styling inspiration! Here, coffee table books for the poetry lover, no matter your vibe.

1. Heart Talk by Cleo Wade, $14

2. Roses by Moonlight, $47

3. Dirty Pretty Things, $13

1. Haiku: Japanese Art and Poetry, $25

2. Art: The Definitive Visual Guide, $28

3. French Poetry, $15

1. 2Fish: (a poetry book), $10

2. Edgar Allan Poe: Complete Tales and Poems, $12

3. Don’t Read Poetry, $30

1. The Poetry of Emily Dickinson: Slip-cased Edition, $20

2. The Shakespeare Book: Big Ideas Simply Explained, $18

3. The Poetry of Robert Frost, $55

Coffee Table Styling Inspo:

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Lead Image by Paweł Czerwiński – Unsplash
