Poets ARE punny! The limerick contest entries had the whole little infinite office cracking up. We love our poet tribe!
If you’re experiencing FOMO from our limerick contest, we get it. Check out our current free verse poetry contest, here! Entries accepted from Monday, July 8, 2019 and end at 11:59 pm Monday, July 22, 2019. Voting will remain open until Monday, July 29, 2019 at 11:59 pm.
1st Place – @chloewinstanley
2nd Place – Cynthia Lu
3rd Place – @invisabel.li
Thank you to everyone who entered our limerick Contest! We know limericks aren’t the typical form most of you write in, but we loved getting to see this different side of our community! Check out our current free verse poetry contest, here! Keep up-to-date with little infinite by following us on Instagram and Facebook for more contests and opportunities. And as always, poetry for life!