LI Astrology: Post-Summer Writing Prompts for Your Sign

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Fall is calling!

Astrology: Post-Summer Writing Prompts are waiting for you!

As the summer nights begin to cool and the days get a little shorter, we begin to say goodbye to the summer of 2024. The astrology of this summer already says what we all know– this summer has been busy! Yet most of us have had quiet internal transformations in spite of the chaotic world around. When Uranus and Jupiter joined forces in Taurus season, we began feeling the pull to evolve. Even if we faced some challenges, Jupiter also entered Gemini on May 11th leading us all to get curious and enjoy new discoveries on our journeys! 

If you’ve been feeling like you keep getting curveballs you’re right on track! We’ve already had two of our four eclipses and two of our three Mercury Retrogrades. Eclipses are designed to shake up all we know and reveal raw truths. Meanwhile Mercury in retrograde forces us to slow down before launching us forward. The chaotic nature of this year’s astrology has been evident throughout society as well making it even more important to attend to the universe within.

As we head into the last 3 months of the year, there’s so much to reflect on before journeying ahead!  And we all know that one of our favorite ways to do that here, at LI, is through writing! For those of us who have been tossed into a whirlwind of beginnings, endings, surprise twists and turns this summer, here’s a prompt for you to process it all and find your footing once again. To get ultimate grounding, check out the prompts for your sun, moon and rising!

Happy writing!

Image by Mira Cosic, Astrologer from Pixabay

Fire Signs: Leo, Aries, Sagittarius 

This year has been one of beginnings and endings for you. As we close the season out with fiery Leo energy, you’re probably feeling called to ground into the transformation you’ve just experienced. 

  • What new beginnings have popped up for you this summer?
  • I know you have a vision for your life in mind! How do these new beginnings help create the reality you wish to see, if at all?
  • Consider how you want to end the year. Its time! Make that game plan for it and go! 

Earth Signs: Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn 

This has been a huge year for earth signs! If you’ve been able to flow and adapt with the changes, that is. But, let’s be honest, this can be tricky for firmly rooted earth signs (fellow Taurus here, I get it!). The best way for you to create the outcome you want from all these changes is to stay present and flowing. Your creativity lies within embodiment!

  • Consider your relationship with your body and movement. Do you move often enough? How does moving your body affect your relationship with it?
  • What, if anything, is keeping you from living fully present in your body?
  • How can you bring more creativity into your everyday life?

Air Signs: Gemini, Aquarius, Libra

You can be a free-flying social butterfly at times, air signs! You love your people and appreciate exchanges of ideas, thoughts and beliefs more than anything. At times, this makes it tricky to follow your inner compass unapologetically. But this year is all about swapping external validation for internal happiness!

  • List all of the areas in your life where you have been given your energy away to.
  • Take some time to determine if you’ve been giving too much or perhaps too little.
  • Beside each item listed, note if you have been investing too much or too little care or time.
  • What beliefs have caused you to invest too much of yourself into certain areas?
  • What about the places in your life you shy away from diving into?
  • How can you find better balance so that you can invest energy while still maintaining a full cup?

Water Signs: Pisces, Cancer, Scorpio 

Sweet water signs, we know your greatest strength is leading from your heart. Your emotions have been stronger than ever this year. Between your tendency to process heavy emotions for others and all of the craziness in the world just now, who could blame you? But it’s time to give yourself that same TLC you’ve been giving to others. 

  • When the world gets too loud, where do your thoughts go? Do you allow yourself to retreat or do you push yourself to keep helping others?
  • What or who fills up your cup the most?
  • Gather a few ways to integrate caring for your mental, emotional, physical and spiritual bodies on a daily basis.
  • Now make it a reality by scheduling time for each of these into your week ahead!


For your astrology post-summer writing prompts, explore journals for purchase here!

