The little infinite haiku contest entrants left us falling in love with poetry all over again.
We have the most talented community if we do say so ourselves. You have been warned. We received so many entries and were inspired beyond words by every single one of them. Here, we have our first, second, and third place rockstars. Congratulations to the winners!
If you’re itching for a new poetry contest, check out our current limerick contest, here! Entries accepted from Tuesday, June 18, 2019 and end at 11:59 pm Friday, June 28, 2019. Voting will remain open until Monday, July 8, 2019 at 11:59 pm.
First Place – Viktoria Mirigliano
Second Place – Jodi Matovich
Third Place – Haley Baumeister
Thank you to everyone who entered our May Haiku Contest! We love getting to see how talented our community is. Check out our current limerick poetry contest, here! Keep up-to-date with little infinite by following us on Instagram and Facebook for more contests and opportunities. Poetry for life!