On Love and Poetry with Kelsey Gooden – li Voices

7 minute read

An exclusive behind-the-scenes look!

Kelsey has been an essential part of little infinite for years now. Within the process of making little infinite a beautiful safe space for the poetry creativity and flows of imagination, it’s really started to become a lifestyle. The journey has carried us from wanting to share, read and write poetry to developing this site into astrology, contests, romance, new books, women empowerment, and more. There isn’t a better person to embody those core values than Kelsey.


Who is Kelsey Gooden?

Kelsey Gooden is an intuitive writing guide, little infinite contributor and author of a new poetry collection, yes, it’s about you.

She believes that each of us holds the power to re-write and create the life we crave. But first, we must choose to pick up the pen. Kelsey assists curious hearts in intuitive and alchemical writing workshops, breakthrough guidance, and writing to heal sessions all centered around rewriting conditioned beliefs and bringing you back home to Self.


Love and Poetry with Kelsey Gooden

little infinite: Talk to us about how you fell into poetry and why you love being a part of little infinite.  

Kelsey Gooden: Last week, I found an old journal of mine from third grade while staying at my parents’ house. Each page was filled with attempts at song lyrics and poetry about school and naive crushes. So clearly, poetry has always been a way for me to express myself. It’s a gorgeous way to translate the colorful feelings I experience within to a language the outside world can understand.

I adore little infinite’s passion for uplifting unique voices.

It’s easy for humans to feel isolated, unheard, and unseen. Being a part of li reminds me daily that I am so very supported, heard and visible and allows me to remind readers of those truths as well.

little infinite: Tell us about your new book! 

Kelsey Gooden: This is my baby! Yes, it’s about you is my debut poetry collection. It’s comprised of six chapters exposing my experiences through different types of love. Most of these poems were pulled from journals I’ve written in over the span of 15 years. I’ve always found love to be the most clear and direct mirror in my life. Who I attract into my reality is always a vivid indicator of where I am growing, what I am choosing and the wounds that are asking for a little more light. Each page contains sections of my soul, cracked wide open and poured over the lines. (Think “Taylor Swift” but poetry!)

little infinite: You have been an actress, a writer, and now a published poet. What is next on your creative bucket list?  

Kelsey Gooden: I know I’ll write more! Whether it’s poetry or something new has yet to be revealed to me. But I couldn’t stop writing if I wanted to.

I’ve started teaching and leading Intuitive Writing Sessions. They’re events designed to help others heal and expand through writing in a group setting. I’m so passionate about creating ways to use writing as a tool to process and heal. So, I’m absolutely planning much more of these events soon, both online and in-person!

little infinite: Where do you hope to see your poetry/art influence the community? 

Kelsey Gooden: There are a lot of painful experiences and truths throughout this book. I suppose all of my art has been painfully vulnerable, now that I think about it. All I want is my art to be a voice for those who may have had similar experiences. I want to acknowledge the icky, messy parts of life as much as the Instagram-worthy moments.

Healing in public is the most brave thing a human can do. But when we choose to share the dark and light within ourselves, we remind all who witness our journey that healing is possible.

little infinite: Poetry for Life is little infinite’s mantra, we’re about making it easier to carry poetry through different phases of your life. Poetry for Life can hold sentiment in various aspects according to the person, which is why we love it. What does “Poetry for Life” mean to you? 

Kelsey Gooden: “Poetry for life” means “poetry to grow with you”. For every chapter of life, there is poetry to hold your hand and guide you along.

little infinite: What artists, actresses or poets influenced you most throughout your creative journey? How did they inspire you? 

Kelsey Gooden: Alex Elle’s After the Rain and In Courage both found me at a difficult turning point in my life. Both the book and the journal led me to ask myself some very tough and incredibly necessary questions. But her willingness to dive into those messy parts of herself throughout each of her books gave me inspiration to do the same and ultimately, led to me beginning this book journey.

From yes, it’s about you by Kelsey Gooden
little infinite: What is one of your favorite poems you wrote and what is a favorite poem someone else wrote? 

Kelsey Gooden: To the right is a favorite of my own and below is a favorite by Tarriona “Tank” Ball, “Sun and Moon Folk” from Vulnerable AF

“I used to call you Sun

And I,your Moon

We gave each other such important names

So early in the day

Maybe I can see why you turned eclipse

Never thought that the names would become bigger than the sky that carried them

I guess you

Didn’t want the responsibility of brightening my day in that way

Didn’t know that you never wanted to gleam like that

But you should know

I didn’t call you Sun with the intent for such a responsibility

I called you Sun because when I saw you…

I shined

little infinite: What is your creative process like? If you could dish on the most unique part of your writing process, what would it be? What is your process for translating the written word into illustration? 

Kelsey Gooden: It’s the kind of process that feeds into the “manically passionate artist” trope. There are often brightly colored pieces of paper on my floor, placed into vague categories. I often wake up in the middle of the night with poetry on my mind and either scribble it into my journal or my Notes App as quickly as possible. A writer named Saul Bellow once said “you never have to change anything you got up in the middle of the night to write.” While I highly advise spellchecking and tiny edits, I usually find this to be true.

The illustrations in my book are created by my brilliant friend and designer, Artiana Wynder. She asked for a list of important Easter eggs to scatter throughout the book and illustrated the message of each poem beautifully. There are little clues alluding to cities where poems took place, exact copies of some of my tattoos, and flowers to represent a few of my past on loved ones. It made the book come completely to life! Artiana made my wildest dreams come true with every illustration!

little infinite: What is the one resource that has helped you during your poetry/writing/art journey the most? This can be a certain app, website, book, podcast, journal, etc. 

Kelsey Gooden: Because I chose to self-publish, resources that helped clarify that process were vital. I published through IngramSpark and used every single resource they had to answer the questions that popped up. When I couldn’t find the solution I needed on the site or through Google, the support team was insanely helpful and so quick to answer. I couldn’t have finished this book without IngramSpark’s help.


Want to see where she started before this article on Love and Poetry – Kelsey Gooden li voice? Check out this article when we first were introduced to Kelsey!
