When a Hollywood Heartthrob Passes You His Puppy…

2 minute read

Funny You Should Ask

I could try to sell you on the merits of Funny You Should Ask by Elissa Sussman, but it would be just as effective to share the opening passage and let you decide if you can resist.  

Gabe Parker is shoeless, shirtless, and holding a puppy. 

“I’m sorry,” he tells me. “This place is a rental. Do you mind holding her for a moment while I deal with this?”

The her in question is his ten-week-old black rescue mutt. The this is the mess she’s made on the floor, which he’s now mopping up with his T-shirt.

I’m standing in his kitchen, holding a squirming fluffy dog, watching Hollywood’s biggest heartthrob clean up puppy pee.

It’s not a fantasy. It’s real life.

Usually, I’d have to pay twenty bucks (plus another forty for popcorn and a soda) to get this good of a look at Gabe Parker’s abs and lats.

It’s fine with me if you stop reading this review and go directly to your favorite bookstore to buy this book. No judgment whether you’re motivated by the promise of more details about Gabe’s abs or if it’s the hope of more puppy appearances. Spoiler alert: there’s both.

While Funny You Should Ask is light and funny, it holds up alongside some of the best commercial fiction. There’s heart and just enough depth to make the story richer without slowing down the narrative.

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