“There’s Nothing More Horrific Than Love”

2 minute read

Out of Love

Are you a library fan? I am a complete library geek; I would live in one if they’d let me. I discovered Out of Love at my local library and decided to give it a whirl for three reasons:

  1. It had endorsements from Matt Haig, author of The Midnight Library, and David Nicholls, author of many books and films, including Us
  2. The story is told in reverse, starting with the couple’s breakup and moving backward to the beginning of their relationship. It’s a clever play on the romance novel structure, acknowledging that we all know how romances end while turning the expected outcome on its head.
  3. Hazel Hayes is a screenwriter best known for horror movies and series. Her author bio says, “When asked about the leap from horror to a love story, Hazel said she could think of nothing more horrific than love.” PREACH, Sister Hazel!

Out of Love pulls off the hat trick of being emotionally hard, then delivering a laugh right before you pull the covers over your head and sob. 

Hazel has rendered each character so precisely you can almost see them. Yet, they also reflect people we know; the problematic parent, the best friend, the boyfriend or girlfriend who was The One until, inevitably, they weren’t.

Hazel Hayes is out in force on social media if you like to get to know your authors. Check her out at @thehazelhayes.

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