It’s Time for a Second Chance at First Love

2 minute read

The Shaadi Set-Up

Rita and Milan are former high-school sweethearts who thought they were destined for the altar until, suddenly, they super-weren’t. Six years have passed with silence between them until their matchmaking mothers decide to take matters into their own hands.

The Shaadi Set-Up is a romance packed with fan-pleasing elements; dogs, decorating, culture, food, and meddlesome relatives combine to create a filling stew of a novel.

There is some debate among reviewers as to whether The Shaadi Set-Up delivers as a romance. Is the conflict between Rita and Milan believable? Are the actions of Rita and Milan’s parents too campy? Is it probable that Rita would wear the same black t-shirt for days on end? To that last question, I respond: WFH uniform, anyone?

I will leave it to you, savvy li readers, to render your judgment. I mentioned the dogs, though, right?

For some added fun hanging out with Lillie Vale, here’s an article she wrote for Lit Hub 7 Novels for Living Out Your Cottagecore Fantasies.

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