All is Faire in this Love Story

2 minute read

Well Met by Jen DeLuca

You know you’re on to something when a bookseller starts flapping her arms with glee when you place a book on the counter; that’s what happened at my local bookstore when I purchased Well Met by Jen DeLuca.

It turns out that the arm-flapping was entirely warranted. Well Met is altogether charming. You can believe me as I only use the word charming when absolutely necessary.

Emily has come to Willow Creek to help her sister April as she recovers from a severe car accident. Emily’s primary duties are ferrying her niece Caitlin wherever she needs to go, including to the local high school to sign up for the Renaissance Faire. Emily is alarmed to learn that each participant under eighteen must have an adult volunteer with them. Reluctantly, Emily assumes the role and garb of a tavern wench and dedicates every summer weekend to the fair.

She has a better time than she initially anticipates, except for Simon, the main Faire organizer, who finds everything she does and says annoying. But, of course, you are savvy romance readers, so it’s not a spoiler to reveal that the initial friction between Simon and Emily will morph into the good kind.

You’ll love this book if you are already a Ren Faire devotee. However, if, like me, you’ve always regarded these fairs as a little puzzling, you will find yourself Googling “Renaissance Festival Volunteer Opportunities” before you’ve reached the halfway point.

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Well Met by Jen DeLuca
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