Spring Cleaning for the Soul: Release

4 minute read

flower with poetry book

Welcome back to Spring Cleaning for the Soul

Let me begin by saying I am so proud of you for welcoming growth!

While it’s easy to say you want change, beginning down the path towards it is a different story. The truth is, we are very rarely forced to change. The need for it tends to creep into our expanding thoughts and evolving conversations silently. Most of the time we don’t notice the time for change has come until the desire arrives at our throats, begging to widen the distance between us and all that we are ready to release.

Maybe you’re a rolling stone who thrives on the lullaby of a new city. Maybe you have always loved living in a world as familiar as your favorite pair of Converses but are now starting to think it all might be one size too small. Or perhaps, the hand you have been dealt pushed you into a survival mode that you’re now ready to break free from. Whatever your motivation, wanting a different story for yourself is reason enough to create change. If you’ve made it to this part of our series, your reflection has led you to carry on down this path.

Which means it is time to release!

As you journey ahead, please remember to be gentle with yourself. Move forward with gratitude for both the dark and light in your life. And if your faith begins to shake, shift your focus to how far you have already come and trust that this is only the beginning of this new chapter!

Choosing to separate yourself from what is no longer working for you requires a new level of self-trust. Ahead, poetry collections on self-love to inspire you through spring cleaning for the soul!

For now, all you have to do is breathe, trust, and release.

Photo Credit: Najwa Zebian

The Book of Healing: Selected Poetry and Prose by Najwa Zebian

The journey Najwa Zebian takes us on through The Book of Healing: Selected Poetry and Prose reveals that she is no stranger to the Spring Cleaning process. Zebian displays her knack for encouraging growth through every stage of your healing process by covering relatable topics like forgiveness, letting go, and stepping into your power. Each line holds rich metaphors doubling as a shelter, holding space for even the most painful of endings to be safely surrendered.


Photo Credit: @georgiastavs via Instagram

Dear Warrior by Georgia Stavs

Georgia Stavs uses her debut poetry collection, Dear Warrior, to give us a peek into her experiences with anxiety and mental illness while reminding us of the light that is to be found at the end of every battle. Her crisp poetry remains consistently powerful page after page. Vulnerability is not only encouraged but celebrated throughout this collection as Stavs illuminates the benefits of abandoning heavy feelings of unworthiness in exchange for the calming freedom of self-acceptance.


Photo Credit: @legenbooksdary via Instagram

Light Filters In: Poems by Caroline Kaufman

There’s a part of the releasing process that no one prepares you for– the void that arrives after removing all you once found comfort in. No matter what you’re leaving behind, moving on always requires a moment of abandonment that can feel insanely isolating. This discomfort is exactly what Caroline Kaufman discusses in Light Filters In: Poems. Kaufman’s voice calls out to us, beyond the pages, telling us tales of loneliness, loss, emptiness, and most importantly, discovery. Each step of the way, the young poet reminders readers that temporary discomfort is only a small price to pay for all of the abundance that arrives with healing.

To stay up-to-date, keep an eye out for more of little infinite’s featured content as we celebrate poetry, books, and this beautiful hot mess we call life on FacebookInstagram, and Twitter.
