Syncing Your Cycle with the Moon

5 minute read

Syncing Your Cycle with the Moon


Women have always considered the moon a sister to travel through life with.

Ebbing and flowing with her changes just as we do our own, we fade and grow together.

The moon sheds her light in the darkness. She provides comfort on a lonely night and joy on a peaceful one. The moon can make us feel both infinite and small, always providing exactly what we need. Our gorgeous moon reminds us that we are meant to evolve, just as she does.

Each cycle of the moon offers us a new chance to harness its energy for our progress.

But if you want to kick things up a notch, figure out which moon phase your cycle begins on. Using both the moon’s influence and the creative power of your menstrual cycle to conquer and evolve is the most beautiful way to unleash your untapped potential.

No matter what cycle of life and menstruation you may find yourself in, we’re here to share our knowledge with one another. There are many ways to match your cycle with the moon. But my personal favorite is by working with these moon cycles below! 

While there’s no exact evidence to prove this connection, my friends and I have looked to these Moon Cycle groups for years and can honestly say the women before us were absolutely onto something! The truth behind each group is deeply felt and impactful.

The Cycles

Depending on when your menstruation begins, syncing your cycle with the moon will depend on which group you’ll be placed in out of one of four categories: White Moons, Red Moons, Pink Moons, and Purple Moons. The next time your period starts, simply take a look at what phase the moon is in. That will determine your group for this phase of your life. So, get your moon calendar and cycle tracking app ready and find out the moon is trying to teach you now!

Photo by Levi Guzman on Unsplash

New Moon: White Moon Cycle

As the sky darkens in preparation for renewal, so do you! You naturally retreat inward during your period to ensure you’re ready to move forward with grounded, vibrant energy as the full moon swells and you ovulate. White Moon women are best embodied by the Mother archetype and are natural nurturers due to their earthly connection. You help birth new possibilities into the world— both human and idea-based. You have the greatest power of all—intentional creation.

How to work with the White Moon Cycle:

Sure you’re great at nurturing others. But can you nurture yourself as well? It’s easy to feel lost in caring for all we love— family, friends, ideas and dreams. Don’t let that drain you! Take your rest and rejuvenation seriously. That’ll be what allows you to pour into others from a very abundant cup!

Full Moon: Red Moon Cycle

If your cycle begins on the full moon, you’re in good company! This cycle corresponds to the archetypal “Wise Woman” who instinctively heals others with her knowledge. Historically, medicine women and midwives were typically a part of this collective. Because you take time to process what you experience, you’re able to turn it into knowledge to be shared with others. Not everyone will understand your intuitive knowing. But we need women like you to uplift us and motivate us all forward.

How to work with the Red Moon Cycle:

Trust. Your gut instinct is right, I promise. You’re here to show us what it looks like to be moved by your intuition. Follow the voice inside and let it lead you to new conclusions and insights. You’re here to remind us all of what happens when women trust themselves.

Waxing Moon: Pink Moon Cycle

You already know what this cycle means, girl! You’re in the middle of a huge transition. Not quite ready to begin with the new moon or close this chapter with the full, this moon means you’re still evolving. You, beautiful woman, are processing and learning, planning and plotting. Although you know where you’re going, it’s not quite time to fly. The Maiden archetype best embodies this energy with her inquisitive, passionate energy. You’re in a prime place during your self-discovery journey. Stay the course!

How to work with the Pink Moon Cycle:

You’re likely easing from one chapter of womanhood into another. Understanding what this present chapter has given you is a perfect way to maintain gratitude as you journey ahead. What is this chapter asking of you? Are you feeling called to vocalize your beliefs and begin fulfilling your life’s purpose? Get excited about your age and growth! It only gets sweeter with time!

Waning Moon: Purple Moon Cycle

Closely aligned with the Enchantress archetype, if you begin your cycle with the waning moon, it’s likely that you’re curious about who you are. This fierce, mystical energy is leading you to hunt down answers at every turn. But the answers are all held within. Getting curious about your own personal journey and what makes you YOU is currently your favorite hobby. Embrace this cycle and know it’ll be time to move forward before you know it!

How to work with the Purple Moon Cycle:

I know it can be terrifying to journey into a new chapter of your life. Getting clear on who you are and what you want will help remove those pesky lingering doubts. This is a season of introspection rather than action. You’ll know when it’s time to make that move!


There’s so much more than syncing your cycle with the moon. Visit little infinite astrologyto explore more.

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